After attending my first yoga class in 2008, I had a deep feeling that yoga would become an integral part of my life. Quickly, I became hooked on how yoga made me feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. Early on, in my yogic journey, I knew that I wanted to share these ancient knowings with others. Having been an elementary education teacher, I already had a passion for teaching. In April 2010, I received my 200-hour Yoga Alliance Certification at Joyful Yoga, in Bonita Springs, Florida. I have had the privilege of attending workshops and studying under some fabulous beings. To name a few, Seane Corn, Kathern Budig, Sadie Nardini, Lisa Bennett Matkin, Rodney, Yee, Colleen Saidman, Aleen Dailey, Alanna Kaivalya, Mas Vidal, Wah!, Sarite Saunders, Marni Task, Julie Kirkpatrick, Lalita Devi, and Vraj Devi. After receiving my certification, I taught several classes a week in Naples and Bonita Springs, Fl. In September 2014 my husband's job brought us to Mooresville. Shortly after moving to North Carolina, I was fortunate enough to discover Gotta Yoga! Even more exciting, this studio that I grew quite fond of so quickly was expanding and this expansion has led to the opportunity for me to teach again. I look forward to connecting with new students, helping people to destress and sharing my love for yoga. Along with alignment of the physical body, my classes emphasize on the connecting of the breath with the physical movements and postures (asanas). By using humor, creative sequencing and smooth transitions in my classes, I aim to create a space where people feel comfortable. I believe that ultimately yoga should be fun because this is when we reap the benefits. Having experienced how deeply yoga affects both health and emotional challenges, I continue to draw from my own experiences to assist students in finding their most joyful selves. It is my belief that anyone can practice yoga. When one finds peace and love within the self, then the positive can be spread. Through an asana practice and meditation individuals are empowered to be the mindful observer of the self. We become less judgmental and critical and more loving and open. My hope is for students to experience this on the yoga mat and then to carry it out into the real world, in their actions and reactions. My mission is to encourage the spreading of this love and peace.