Gracie Jane has been practicing yoga since 2011 after the birth of her youngest child. Coming to the practice with a background in gymnastics, the physical practice of yoga was instantly familiar. The mental and spiritual practices where a new dimension for her. Since the moment she was first able to allow her mind to relax by pulling her attention away from her racing thoughts, Gracie fully developed her passion for yoga.

The peace Gracie experienced is what she strives to share with her students, along with the sense of empowerment and a reminder of their own greatness. With a background in Education and Psychology she was excited to share the powerful physical and mental benefits of yoga with others and started teaching in 2012 after completing her 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. 

In 2023, she completed her certification in Yoga Therapy, an 800-hour course with Yoga Life Institute. To learn more about yoga therapy, check our blog on how Yoga Therapy can bring more peace to your life.