Ilse Hermkens, ERYT-200 certified yoga teacher, Reiki Usui Holy Fire Level 2 and Chemical Engineer. Ilse is originally from Belgium and lived in the UK for 10 years before she moved to Huntersville in 2016.  She has been practicing yoga since 2007 and has worked with many inspiring teachers in the UK and the States.

Her teaching covers a wide range of yoga styles (Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Power, Yin, Restorative). She is a loving and creative teacher who enables yoga for all levels and believes in the transforming power of meditation and pranayama.  Being a Reiki Practitioner fits perfect with Ilse’s desire to help, coach and heal people in holistic and sustainable ways.

As a chemical engineer, she seeks to understand the science behind the practice. Being the eternal learner, student and seeker for knowledge, she continues her yoga teacher studies (yoga therapy being of her latest focus areas) to become a better person and an always inspiring yoga teacher. Her students love her creative, caring, humor infused classes. And her hands-on assists are definitely something you want to experience. Ilse always dedicates quality time to meditation, centering and breathing to help you liberate your mind and discover your pathway to wellbeing.  For 1-1 energy healing and wellbeing, reach out to her to experience her Reiki treatments. 

Besides yoga, Ilse loves to spend time with her husband, her daughter Tallulah and her doodle Gigi.  Ilse is passionate about making her own Belgian chocolates (she grew up in a Belgian Chocolatier business), interior design, chemistry and perfumes (she was in the Fragrance business at P&G for 10 years). She is a lover of puppies, books, meeting new people, trying new things and travelling to new places. Ilse is all about enjoying the little moments and spreading kindness wherever she goes Connect with Ilse for yoga, chocolates or the joy of life; you can find her on Facebook & Instagram @ilsehermkens