I found yoga 27 years ago and my first teacher was Kelley Gardner.  I had low back pain and a friend recommended I try yoga.  I was hooked on the first class!  When I first started practicing yoga, I could not touch my toes.  And savasana was the hardest part of the class.  As a Type A personality, being “still” was not in my vocabulary.  Things have definitely changed! I found meditation in 2019 after becoming aware of the anxiety I had been living with for most of my life.  It resonated with my soul, and I knew I wanted to share it with others.  In 2021 I completed 100 HR meditation teacher training through the ancient text of the yoga sutras and Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga. The benefits of meditation include lowering stress and anxiety and improving sleep.  It also teaches you to be in the present moment.  Something I knew nothing about before I started meditating.  I was always worrying about what happened last week or what was going to happen tomorrow.  It has taught me to flow with life rather than try to control it.  It has also taught me to be more compassionate.  I love leading a meditation class and holding space for others. I have been on a life changing journey since 2019 beginning with meditation.

In 2022 I found The Emotion Code®.  I discovered my emotions had been controlling my life and fear was at the root.  With The Emotion Code® I was able to clear the fear and step out of the flight or fight mode.  I can see life through a different lens with more trust, peace, joy and love.  I became a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner in 2023 and am embarking on a new career path.  The Emotion Code® is energy healing and was founded by Dr. Bradley Nelson, a Holistic Chiropractor. Being in nature makes my soul happy!  I enjoy mountain biking, hiking, and kayaking.  My latest adventure is rock climbing.  Animals hold a special place in my heart, especially Owls and Hawks.  I am a volunteer for the Carolina Raptor Center.  It is so amazing to be in the presence of birds of prey!  My fur baby is my cat, Autumn. My mission is to help others live a more joyful, peaceful life.  I’m excited to be a part of the Tejas Yoga tribe!