I tried a yoga sculpt class for the first time in Virginia, at Core Power Yoga 9 years ago because I needed to find an outlet for my stressful work life. I also needed to work on my posture and flexibility as my daily routine involved sitting at a desk or on a plane, while looking at my computer screen wherever I went. I never expected that one class would open my eyes to all forms of yoga, I was hooked! I took all other classes offered at the studio. I then received my 200-hr certification in August 2017, after 8 weeks of immersed yoga training! Moving to Florida a few short months later, I was eager to find a studio where I could continue teaching various types of hot yoga.

For two years I taught a variety of power and hot yoga fusion classes to a wide range of skill levels and ages. I also continued to develop my practice, learning from fellow instructors and taking a mixture of classes on the road as I traveled for work. Relocating to Clearwater, FL in January 2020 for my husband's job, I was determined to find my new yoga home and fortunately found two homes at 1) HEAT Yoga and 2) YogaSix, Safety Harbor. Both studios were my happy place during the pandemic and allowed me to not only continue moving my body while the rest of the world stopped but gave me a space to clear my mind as it felt like it was overpowered with stress and anxiety. I taught a variety of yoga classes for 3 years, my favorites being Power, Sculpt and Vinyasa Flows.

Relocating to North Carolina in February 2023 I joined the YogaSix Cornelius Family and now looking forward to also calling Tejas Yoga Lab home, practicing alongside the amazing Lake Norman community. My goal is to have my students look at my class as their escape and to simply know taking the 60 minutes for themselves is OK, it's healthy! I want my yogis to leave my class with a different perspective on the outside world, knowing they can handle anything life throws their way, while also feeling that they just 're-filled their cup'.